Bolts Used to attach plate to head of overflow horn Lester Says"In most cases bolts are 1/4 inch x 20 thread"
Buckets: Bucket The Bucket is the used with trip lever overflow plates it is attached by linkage to the trip lever.
Conversion Plates: Conversion Plates Are used to change from a 2 hole overflow plate to a s ingle hole over flow plate.
Double Hole Over flow plates: Double Hole Over flow plate Mounts to horn head with 2 bolts.
Overflow Horns: Overflow horn The overflow horn attches the overflow to the drain tee.
Linkage: Linkage is attched to the tub bucket and the trip lever. Lester Says " the most important dimention is the diameter of the bucket you can replace a brass bucket with a plastic" Plates: Plate is attached to the overflow horn.
Single Hole Over flow plates: Single Hole Over flow plate Mounts to horn head with 1 bolt.
Stoppers: Stoppers are used to plug the drain strainer. Lester Says "Some of the Brand Names are Rapid Fit, Tip Toe Lift & Turn Twist & Pull"
Stopper Gaskets: Stoppers Gaskets are Replaceable rather than replacing the entire stopper. Lester Says "Some of the Brand Names are Rapid Fit, Tip Toe Lift & Turn Twist & Pull" Shoes: Shoes are attached to the drain tee and are sealed with a washer between the tub and the shoe. Strainers: Strainers are attached to the shoe and are sealed with a washer between the tub and the strainer.
Strainer Covers: Strainers Covers are attached to the strainer some use screws other have tabs that fit into the strainer. Trip Lever Over flow plates: Trip Lever Over flow plate Mounts to horn head with 2 bolts.
Washers: Washers are used to seal between the tub and the overflow horn and the strainer and the shoe.
Do It Yourself Rating Medium Bathwastes are easy to repair if you find the right parts to repair your assembly Lester Says "Fixing the bathwaste can save you alot on money becauce most repairs can be done from the outside of the tub, You don't have have to get behind the tub"